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Matter Magazine was founded in 2009, and our goal since then has been to make STEM relevant and accessible for the Exeter community. Matter Magazine has gone through a lot of changes in these past years, but we have stayed true to the founding goals of our club — to spread science and technology across campus. We hope that, with every issue, we bring ideas, research, and inspiration to the minds of our fellow Exonians. After two and a half years of exclusively online articles, we’re back in print, and we hope you enjoy Matter in the blustery New England winter.


Our Mission


Science, as the great Carl Sagan put it, is “more than a body of knowledge; it’s a way of thinking, a way of skeptically interrogating the universe.” The issue with science today, the reason that even phenomenal research labs struggle for funding, the reason that NASA gets only 0.5 cents for every tax dollar, is that science is not accessible and open to the majority of society. They view it as a ‘body of knowledge’, a list of facts and variables and experiments removed from their own lives and performed only by a scientist at CERN or the Stanford Genetics Lab. If we make science accessible, relevant and exciting, we break down this barrier. We show that science can be performed by any person, regardless of education, age or social class. This is why Matter magazine, the first student-run science and technology publication in New Hampshire, is important. By writing articles that simplify and explain cutting-edge technology and complex concepts, Matter makes science accessible.

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